Paranormal Dictionary



agent noun \ˈā-jənt\

someone that produces or is capable of producing an effect or of transferring information through psi-functioning (Parapsychological Association)


autoscopy noun \ȯ-ˈtäs-kə-pē\

the experience in which an individual perceives the surrounding environment from a different perspective, from a position outside of his or her own body (Wikipedia)


apparition noun \ˌa-pə-ˈri-shən\

the spirit of a dead person appearing in a form which can be seen (Cambridge)


a perceptual experience usually involving visual or other sensory representations of persons (living or deceased) who are out of sensory range (Parapsychological Association)


clairvoyance noun \kler-ˈvȯi-ən(t)s\

the power or faculty of discerning objects or matters not present to the senses (Webster)


a form of extrasensory perception involving the acquisition of information concerning a contemporary physical event (Parapsychological Association)


déjà vu noun \ˌdā-ˌzhä-ˈvü, -ˈvue\

the feeling that you have already experienced something that is actually happening for the first time [French for “already seen,”] (Webster)


dissociation noun \(ˌ)di-ˌsō-sē-ˈā-shən, -shē-\

a continuum of mild-to-severe experiences involving detachments from reality, rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis (Wikipedia)


drop-in communicator noun \ˈdräp-ən kə-ˈmyü-nə-ˌkā-tər\

one who purports to be a deceased person at a transcommunication session or séance (Psi Encyclopedia)


electronic voice phenomena noun \i-ˌlek-ˈträ-nik vȯis fi-ˈnä-mə-nə, -ˌnä\

electronically generated noises that resemble speech, but are not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings (Wikipedia)


extrasensory perception noun \ˌek-strə-ˈsen(t)s-rē, -ˈsen(t)-sə-\ \pər-ˈsep-shən\

perception (as in telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition) that involves awareness of information not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience—called also esp (Webster)


ghost noun \ˈgōst\

a disembodied soul; especially: the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness (Webster)


apparition of a deceased person appearing to have affinities for a location or parts of a location (Parapsychological Association)


haunted adj \ˈhȯn-·tɪd, ˈhän-·tɪd\

often visited by ghosts (or spirits of dead people) (Cambridge)


recurrent paranormal phenomena at a particular location usually attributed to ghosts (Parapsychological Association)


intentionality noun \inˌten(t)SHəˈnalədē\

the quality of mental states (e.g. thoughts, beliefs, desires, hopes) which consists in their being directed towards some object or state of affairs (Oxford)


mediumship noun \ˈmē-dē-əm-ˈship\

the ability to communicate with agencies of the dead (Parapsychological Association)


near-death experience noun \ˈnir ˈdeth ik-ˈspir-ē-ən(t)s\

an occurrence in which a person comes very close to dying and has memories of a spiritual experience (such as meeting dead friends and family members or seeing a white light) during the time when death was near (Websters)


paranormal adj \ˌpa-rə-ˈnȯr-məl, ˈpa-rə-ˌ\

term applied to any phenomenon which in one or more respects exceeds the limits of what is deemed physically possible on current scientific assumptions (Parapsychological Association)


parapsychology noun \ˌpa-rə-(ˌ)sī-ˈkä-lə-jē\

field of study concerned with the investigation of evidence for paranormal psychological phenomena (as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis) (Webster)


pareidolia noun \pærɨˈdoʊliə\ parr-i-doh-lee-ə)

psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Pareidolia is a form of apophenia, the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data (Wikipedia)


percipient noun \pərˈsipēənt\

someone who perceives or who has a perception-like experience (Parapsychological Association)


poltergeist noun \ˈpōl-tər-ˌgīst\

a noisy usually mischievous ghost held to be responsible for unexplained noises (as rappings). Origin: German, from poltern to knock + Geist spirit; first known use: 1848 (Webster)


unexplained physical disturbances of paranormal origin that are believed to be psychokinesis from living “focus” persons (Parapsychological Association)


precognition noun \ˌprē-(ˌ)käg-ˈni-shən\

clairvoyance relating to an event or state not yet experienced (Webster)


a form of extrasensory perception involving perception of some future event that cannot be deduced from known information (Parapsychological Association)


psi noun \ˈsī\

the modern collective term for the psychic functions of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psychokinesis (Psi Encylopedia)


psychokinesis noun \ˌsī-kō-kə-ˈnē-səs, -kī-\

movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means—called also pk (Webster)


the direct influence of mind on a physical system that cannot be sourced to any known physical force (Parapsychological Association)


reincarnation noun \ˌrē-(ˌ)in-(ˌ)kär-ˈnā-shən\

a form of survival involving the rebirth of the soul into a new body after death, this process being repeated throughout many lives (Parapsychological Association)


survival noun \sər-ˈvī-vəl\

continued existence of the human personality in some form and for at least some time after the death of their physical body (Parapsychological Association)


synchronicity noun \ˌsiŋ-krə-ˈni-sə-tē, ˌsin-\

simultaneous occurrence of events (meaningful coincidences) which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection (Oxford)


telepathy noun \.tə-ˈle-pə-thē\

a way of communicating thoughts directly from one mind to another without speech or signs (Webster)


a form of extrasensory perception involving the acquisition of information concerning thoughts, feelings or actions of another conscious being (Parapsychological Association)


thoughtography noun \ˈthȯ-ˈtä-grə-fē\

the production of a visible, usually photographic, image (supposedly) by purely mental means (Oxford)


phenomena produced as if mental images were “projected” onto film (Parapsychological Association)


wraith noun \ˈrāth\

the exact likeness of a living person seen usually just before death as an apparition—called also crisis apparition (Webster)


This dictionary was oriented to terms common to parapsychology


Other dictionaries of paranormal terms can be found at the Paranormal Consulting Agency and on Paranormality


Parapsychology terms and concepts can be obtained from the Parapsychological Association and the Psi Encyclopedia






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