Paranormal Research and Parapsychology
Parapsychological Association: Professional organization of scholars engaged in the study of psi
Parapsychology Foundation: Founded in 1951 as a non-profit foundation that supports the scientific investigation of psychic phenomena. Sponsors free online seminars, workshops and courses
Rhine Research Center: Founded in 1935 and hosts the Journal of Parapsychology
Society for Scientific Exploration: Host of JSE Journal and EdgeScience Magazine
Project Aware Study: Insights on Consciousness from Resuscitation Medicine
UVA Division of Perceptual Studies: Near Death Experiences/Past Life Memories
The Windbridge Institute: Research Programs on Mediumship and Hauntings
Koestler Parapsychology Unit: University of Edinburgh
Society for Psychical Research: Founded 1882 for the Study of PSI Experiences. A must use SPR info resource is the PSI Encyclopedia
The Parapsychologist: Official Website of Dr. Ciarán O’Keeffe
Superb Investigative write-up.
— Dr. Ciarán O'Keeffe (@ciaranokeeffe) July 12, 2015
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS): Research on Consciousness and Healing
IONS Baltimore: Local Discussion Group on Extended Human Capacities
Survival After Death Information: Gateway to an extensive collection of academic parapsychology literature on the survival hypothesis
UPenn Ghost Project: Multidisciplinary research workshop on ghosts
Paranthropology: Anthropological Approach to the Paranormal
International Consciousness Research Labs: Research on Non-Local Sensing
MindReader: The Official Website of Loyd Auerbach
Exploring the Extraordinary: Annual Parapsychology Research Conference
Parapsychology: Blog of Dr. Carlos Alvarado, Parapsychology Foundation Fellow
Exploring Phantasms of the Living (1886) through Machine Learning: Topic Discovery with Latent Dirichlet Allocation #parapsychology #nlp #sklearn #python
— Maryland Paranormal (@marylandpara) March 26, 2018
Presentiment and Crisis Apparitions in Victorian-era Case Collections: Phantasms of the Living (1886) as seen through Natural Language Processing #parapsychology
— Maryland Paranormal (@marylandpara) February 25, 2018
Tilting Tables and Moving Minds: Some Studies of Ostensible Macroscopic Psychokinesis(Macro‐PK), WILLIAMS, #pk #psi
— Maryland-Paranormal (@maryparanormal) May 20, 2016