A Haunting in Anne Arundel County: Case File 5-6 Nov 2011 Arnold, Maryland – UPDATE


5-6 November 2011 (UPDATE): As of 18 December 2011, a total of three paranormal investigations have been conducted at the client residence (Anne Arundel County, Maryland).  All have indicated “drop-in” communications and by extension paranormal/ghost activity.


The preponderance of findings continue to come from audio. However, in the course of audio analysis, it became necessary to sample and filter out ventilation noise. This technique was applied to audio from the November 5-6, 2011 investigation, and the analysis was updated.


As a result, EVP collection uptake increased significantly. Literally “streams” of EVP were obtained across all classes. There was minimal-to-no attenuation of previously rendered EVP. On balance, much more useful audio was gained than lost from the application of the noise-filtering technique.


Analysis of noise-filtered files also indicates the client location was far more active than previously reported. And the scope of “drop-in” communications appeared far wider than initially assessed.




AUDIO: EVP suggests the possible presence of multiple, interacting communicators. Some EVP contained “in group” references while displaying a sense of humor. Some examples were: ( “We Act So Stupid” ) and ( “We’re Faxing Em Up” ).


There were indications of one (or more) communicators appearing to respond to provocation, even when inadvertent. Some examples were ( “Im Going To Hit Him” ) and ( “You Know I’m Not Afraid” ). There may have been indications of a possible female communicator; a Class C example EVP was ( “I Dont Give a Crap” ).


Although fragmentary, portions of audio could be characterized as protective or hostile toward the client. Examples were ( “He Was Sent to [Hurt] Her” ) and ( “Have You Read My Evil – Damn You” ). An possible example of a supportive EVP was ( “You’re Upsetting Her” ).


One Class C EVP appeared to suggest the client’s deceased brother may have been present. On occasion what appeared to be invectives were hurled at the investigator in some cases using the investigator’s name.


In response to the client’s question, “Do you come in the name of the Lord?”, several Class C EVP fragments were heard to possibly include ( “The Body of Christ – Is He There For You ?” ).


In one EVP, a possible pious communicator appeared to join the client in the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer ( “On Earth As It Is In Heaven” ) ** However, this may have amounted to a reverberation (or echo) type effect.


VIDEO: As reported earlier, no apparitions were seen/recorded. However, there was pronounced orb-activity around the client during one audio/video session. While this orb activity may still be explained as dust or insects, the apparent uptake in audio compelled a re-examination of the orbs.


In one instance, an orb appears to move in front of the client when she requested an entity appear in front of her. The orb activity was soon followed by a possible communications in Class C EVP that may have complained ( “You Don’t Have a Single Idea …” )


ELECTROMAGNETIC: No new/revised findings from the first report. However, EVP indicated some communicators may have been aware of home appliances, even possibly helping to ascertain why an EMF meter had alarmed ( “Arrest the Fool… The Computer… The Thing’s Off” ).


MOVEMENT/PHYSICAL: As reported earlier, no objects were seen to be displaced or moved. EVP provided possible indications that some communicators may have been aware of making knocks/taps near the client, or had perhaps wanted to, example ( “I Just Lucked Out” ).


CASE ASSESSMENT/UPDATE: There were ample, though not always consistently clear, indications of “drop-in” communication, with streams of EVP from varied possible communicators. Some responses to questions appeared to be specific, direct, context-relevant and/or were phrase/sentence-length.


Even after the application of noise filtering techniques, the overall quality of the enhanced audio is at best moderate. Audio streams could not be reliably and consistently characterized. Some examples of Class C EVP were within the noise floor and were barely audible. This points to the need for a higher quality of audio equipment and objective or machined methods of interpretation.


Possible personalities emerged in audio that could be interpreted supportive or hostile. There also seems at times a religious cast to the audio with indications of what some might describe as “demons” or “angels” as suggested by the tenor of some audio content. However, would say these are angels and demons, not in a biblical sense, but in a more modern context i.e. positive or negative communicators.


Audio findings can never provide proof of ghosts. Since the source/origin of the audio is unknown, one cannot prove that any audio findings came from non-corporeal beings. Moreover, audio collection equipment was not shielded from radiofrequency (RF) transmissions. RF cannot be ruled out as potential audio sources; this is especially the case for Class C EVP.


“Drop-in” communications in themselves may (or may not) equate to a haunting. If communications suggest location-affinities or appear place-centered, a haunting could be inferred. Since some audio content appeared to indicate location awareness, the activity was characterized as a haunting.


However, the reasons for this possible haunting are unknown. Rudimentary social network analysis around the client reveals 2-3 persons that were engaged in various mystical type practices with 1-3 degrees of separation from the client.


The client herself is a devout Catholic. Skeptics could argue this perhaps influences the religious contours of the communications if for no other reason than the nature of some of the questions posed. Needless to say, the client has little-to-no control over the responses heard, nor events that are unfolding.


NOTE: The most current audio and video findings are archived and accessible via the Maryland Paranormal Research Facebook and Tumblr pages. See the ASSESSMENT: A Haunting in Anne Arundel County (Arnold) Maryland page for a rolling analytic review of this case.

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